Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

Rebbe Chanina and the City of the Deer 

Before formerly inaugurating Aharon and his sons as kohanim, Hashem instructs Moshe Rabbeinu to gather all of Klal Yisrael to the opening of the Ohel Moed. Moshe dutifully does so, allowing all of Bnei Yisrael to witness the proceedings inside the courtyard of the Mishkan. Rebbe Elazar, the great student of Rebbe Akiva, notes that […]

VeNahaphoch Hu

The entire story of Megillat Esther takes place in Shushan, the capital city of the Persian empire, located in modern day Iran. No explicit reference is made to Eretz Yisrael, other than the megillah noting Mordechai’s exile from Yerushalayim years before. Haman’s rabid hatred of the Jewish people seems to be directed at the Jews […]

The Sun of Yaakov and Brilliance of Jerusalem

As Yaakov departs for his uncle’s house in Haran, he encounters “the place” and stays there for the night “ki va hashemesh” for the sun had set. While sleeping in this place, Yaakov experiences the famous majestic vision of the heavenly ladder as Hashem promises him the land of Eretz Yisrael. As is clear from […]

The Battle, the Bread, and the Wine of Jerusalem

Ma’aseh Avot Siman L’Banim, the actions of the forefathers are a sign for the children. Four kings, led by Amraphel the ruler of Shin’ar, form an alliance and sweep across Eretz Yisrael, murdering, plundering, and kidnaping as they advance. When Avraham hears that his nephew Lot has been captured, he immediately girds himself for battle […]