Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers


Let Us Sacrifice To Our God

Every school child knows the story. God told Moses to go speak to Pharaoh. Moses came to the evil Pharaoh and spoke the iconic words, “Let my people go!” But with all due respect to wonderful kindergarten songs, a simple perusal of our parsha reveals that this is actually not what Moshe Rabbeinu said. Throughout […]

The Princess and Her Delicious Dish

As Yaakov Avinu gathers the shevatim around his deathbed, he blesses them and prophesizes about their future. The Gemara Pesachim (56a) famously tells us that as Yaakov prepared to reveal eschatological secrets, the Divine Presence departed from him. He worried that one of his son’s may be inadequate to receive the prophecy, “perhaps, God forbid, […]

Rejoicing in Reunion While Weeping Over Destruction

After Yosef reveals his identity to the brothers, the Torah describes the emotional reunion between Yosef and Binyamin. They share the same mother, Rachel, and Binyamin was very young when his older brotherdisappeared. One can only imagine the intensity of emotion when they embraced after 22 years of separation. “And he fell on his brother […]

Speak to the Heart of Jerusalem

After Yaakov settles outside the city of Shechem, his daughter Dinah is kidnapped and violated by Shechem. The pesukim provide a detailed description of Shechem’s infatuation with Dinah. The Midrash Rabba (80:7) identifies four distinct words used by the Torah to describe his obsession with the daughter of Yaakov. ותדבק נפשו בדינה, his soul cleaved […]

Jerusalem Is On The Frontlines

During a recent visit into the Shiloach I had the opportunity to explore some of the latest Jewish property that had recently been returned to Jewish hands after Israel’s Supreme Court ruled that Arabs had been squatting on the property for decades. The newest property is part of the Yemenite Village, a large area in […]