Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

The Princess and Her Delicious Dish

As Yaakov Avinu gathers the shevatim around his deathbed, he blesses them and prophesizes about their future. The Gemara Pesachim (56a) famously tells us that as Yaakov prepared to reveal eschatological secrets, the Divine Presence departed from him. He worried that one of his son’s may be inadequate to receive the prophecy, “perhaps, God forbid, […]

Sinai and Moriah: The Curtain Lifts

Last week, we discussed the metaphysical connection between Har Sinai and Har Moriah. The mountain on which the Torah was given will eventually be combined with the mountain on which the Beit HaMikdash will be built.  We explained why limmud HaTorah is so essential to revealing the reality of Ein Od Milvado; HaKadosh Baruch Hu’s […]