Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

Sinai and Moriah: Klal Yisrael Unites

Over the past months, I have written much about Jerusalem’s unique capability to unite Jews and bring Klal Yisrael together. As all Jews ascend to the makom HaMikdash for the festivals, even the amei ha’aretz are considered to be chaveirim, friends and colleagues, of the Torah scholars. On the regalim in Jerusalem, the normal boundaries […]

Sinai and Moriah: The Curtain Lifts

Last week, we discussed the metaphysical connection between Har Sinai and Har Moriah. The mountain on which the Torah was given will eventually be combined with the mountain on which the Beit HaMikdash will be built.  We explained why limmud HaTorah is so essential to revealing the reality of Ein Od Milvado; HaKadosh Baruch Hu’s […]

Sinai and Jerusalem: A Journey of Jewish Faith

The story of the Jewish people takes them from Egypt to Sinai and ultimately to Yerushalayim. The Maharal describes that these stations reflect a journey into the essentials of Jewish faith. He traces how each stage in this process deepened and broadened the Jewish people’s faith in God. The Exodus from Egypt instilled within the […]

From The Earthquake of Sinai to the Peace of Jerusalem

This week the world experienced a devastating and frightening earthquake. As believing Jews, we should “live with the parsha of the week” meaning that we should look into the weekly Torah reading for insights into current events. One small angle that emerges from such an analysis leads us from the devastation of the earthquake to […]

Har Sinai, Jerusalem and the Sanctity of the Jewish People

Our parsha discusses the momentous events of God giving the Jewish people the Torah at Har Sinai. As one would expect, when God appeared on the mountain, the space becomes imbued with sanctity. The Torah elaborates in great detail the extent of the preparations and precautions that the Jewish people took to properly relate to […]

What Begins In The Desert…Ends In Jerusalem

Parshat Yitro represents the beginning of God’s true covenant with the Jewish people. While He made promises to the forefathers and took the Jewish people out of Mitzrayim, the true relationship between God and the people themselves is cemented at Sinai when He gave them the Torah and they accepted to live by its tenets.  […]