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Arabs from Silwan (Shiloach) get refunds and “piggyback” Jewish victory in court

A couple of years ago, a number of Jewish families from the Shiloach and the Old City sued the East Jerusalem Electrical Company. (Set up and initially under Jordanians during the years 1948-1967, and from Six Day War in 1967, works in conjunction or under the more proficient Israeli Chevrat Chashmal)

Last week, the Israeli courts ruled in favor of the families and the East Jerusalem Electrical Company has to pay out a total sum of around 10 million shekels to hundreds of families in and around the Old City who are supplied electricity from them.As a result of this action by “the local Jewish residents only”, all their Arab neighbors from the Old City and the Shiloach (Silwan) will also benefit and receive refunds.And so it seems that living side by side has benefits!!Sadly – certain left leaning news outlets refused to run with the story as it doesn’t fit their agenda of east jerusalem!

This writer is still waiting for the letter if thanks from local Arabs or some positive news on the matter in the Arab press. I’m not holding my breathe.

Shocking service, bad infrastructure, irregular or no reading of the electrical meters and other issues, forced the Jewish families to take legal action, against this old Jordanian electrical entity, which is currently supplying electricity to these neighborhoods. Maybe the time has come to switch over to the proper Israeli Chevrat HaChashmal and to simply upgrade and modernize all the electrical supply to these neighborhoods in Jerusalem, who were once under the Jordanians.

By Daniel Luria

Daniel Luria is the Executive Director and International Spokesman for Ateret Cohanim. He is considered a global expert on Jerusalem, with a focus on urban land reclamation initiatives. he is a sought after speaker, guide, and informal educator in relation to his work in Jerusalem.

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