Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

Jerusalem Is On The Frontlines

During a recent visit into the Shiloach I had the opportunity to explore some of the latest Jewish property that had recently been returned to Jewish hands after Israel’s Supreme Court ruled that Arabs had been squatting on the property for decades. The newest property is part of the Yemenite Village, a large area in […]

MORE JOY IN THE OLD CITY – Mazal Tov Ateret Cohanim

OUR ANSWER TO THE “AL AQSA FLOOD” & to the anti Israel and ignorant ICJ** –  A new Jewish family into the old Jewish Quarter (Moslem Quarter) of the Old City Jerusalem. The Azut Family (Liran and Miriam plus 6 children) have just moved into Beit Gita, inside the Old City near the Flowers Gate […]

The Hekdesh -Sanctified Trust Project – “HRS” : Hugs and Returns to Shiloach

Latest news from the Shiloach- Yerushalayim  The Sanctified Trust of Benvenisti (Sefardi Community Council -Vaad Eidah HaSefaradi) has successfully returned an important and large property in the Shiloach (Old Yemenite Village) to its Trust. In a Hekdesh-Sanctified Trust project referred to as “Hug & Return to Shiloach” (HRS) – the Trust managed to return the property, […]

Under The Fog Of War, Kidmat Tzion Is Not Only Approved, But Gets A Bus Stop

Kidmat Tzion has always been viewed as the last piece of an essential fabric of Jewish neighborhoods in the eastern part of Jerusalem that when approved will spell the end of a “palestinian” state. It essentially blocks a potential corridor from Abu Dis to Jerusalem’s Old City. Abu Dis is an Arab occupied neighborhood or […]

After October 7th Security Concept Moves Local

One of the things that has become clear coming out of the October 7th pogrom is that the national security apparatus can no longer be relied on to defend communities across Israel. This is not meant to be disparaging towards the IDF soldiers, but rather a very real assessment of one of the big security […]

Green Development Continues At Beit Prachim

Our new garden at Beit Prachim continues to develop and expand. From fig trees to ancient grape vines, what was once a junk yard and broken down playground is turning into a remarkable example of urban permaculture done right. This all started with placing a layer of mulch on the ground before shemita. This revitalized […]

Returning to Jerusalem Means All Of Jerusalem

One of the things I enjoy the most about taking people on tours for Ateret Cohanim is their response when they see just how many Jews live throughout the Old City. In most other tours the emphasis on Jerusalem having four quarters is so engrained in the visitor’s psyche that it really takes an entire […]

It’s Simple – More Jews Equals Less Terror

In the lat 1990s I was one of the first tenants to move into a newly renovated building in North Williamsburg. My apartment literally looked over the BQE. When I used to commute home at night after class, I had at times heard gunshots on the other side of the BQE. Williamsburg had already started […]