Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

Jerusalem of Fear and Joy

In our parsha Moshe speaks to Aharon twice about the special sacrifices of the day the Mishkan was to be dedicated. First, Moshe tells Aharon about what he needs to do. Then, one verse later we read: And Moshe said to Aharon, “Approach the altar and perform your sin offering and your burnt offering.” Why […]

An Ohel Mo’ed Out of Jerusalem?

The Noam Elimelech opens his commentary to our parsha with an astute observation on the first verse of Vayikra. Our parsha begins “And He called to Moshe, and God spoke with him from the Ohel Mo’ed.” From reading the verse in its entirety it is clear that the initial subject of the verse is God. […]

The Lion of Jerusalem

After receiving the donations for the Mishkan, Moshe informs the Jewish people that God appointed Betzalel and Ahali’av to lead the building operations. Interestingly, the Torah does not suffice with their names but specifies that they were from the tribes of Yehuda and Dan, respectively. Why is this tidbit of information important? Rabbeinu Saadya Gaon […]

Unity Through Social Distancing: A Lesson From Jerusalem

Our parsha opens with Moshe gathering all of the Jewish people to teach them about Shabbat and then about the building of the Mishkan. This gathering of “the whole community of the Jewish people” is a necessary introduction to the rest of the parsha. The goal of the Mishkan is to have God’s presence rest […]