To consider – 6000 Americans taken hostage by ISIS-HAMAS


After 100 days of unimaginable suffering by the hostages with the barbaric Hamas terrorists and 100 days of pure anguish by their families- its worth considering the following.

What would the usa do if 6000 Americans were brutally taken hostage and abused, tortured and kept underground in some hostile country in the world??!!

Yes 6000 hostages.

That’s the equivalent of 129 hostages from country with just over 7 million Jewish citizens compared to the usa with 335 million citizens.

Multiply by 46 to understand the real numbers and gravity of situation!!!

Article by Daniel Luria

Daniel Luria is the Executive Director and International Spokesman for Ateret Cohanim. He is considered a global expert on Jerusalem, with a focus on urban land reclamation initiatives. he is a sought after speaker, guide, and informal educator in relation to his work in Jerusalem.

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