Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

PURIM at time of War against AMALEK – from Haman to Hamas!

It’s that beautiful time of the year, the month of Adar, with extra happiness-simcha, and the festival of Purim, with its Megilla reading, the Seuda-with extra wine and of course the “giving” of mishloach manot and gifts to the poor. (matanot la’evyonim) But this year – 2024 – we also have THE WAR in the background and our […]

10th Tevet – A Minor Fast With Major Lessons

Approximately 2500 yrs ago, Nebuchanezzar – the king of the Babylonians laid SIEGE to our Yerushalayim. It was the beginning of the end. The walls were ultimately breached two years later on the 17th of Tammuz and the Temple destroyed (State of Israel) on the 9th of Av. The prophet Jeremiah tried to get the nation to wake up […]

THE TRUTH MUST BE TOLD: The Jews are the indigenous people of Israel

For years the world and even some left wing media outlets in Israel have portrayed the “Arabs” as those who are “sadly displaced” from “their homes” by the illegal all-conquering Jews and who belong in this country and region, as the so-called rightful “sovereign” rulers of the land of Israel. (In their eyes Palestine) It’s time the truth […]

AFSI returns “HOME” – first to break Corona blockade

Americans For A Safe Israel (AFSI) led today by Judy Kalish (daughter of Helen Freedman zl) is the first group in over 2 years to come into Israel and to tour once again with Ateret Cohanim. This wonderful group full of vibrant ideological activists (referred to as the American “Women in Green” by Daniel Luria) have been regulars in […]

The Sweet Sounds of the Shofar in the Shiloach Are No Longer Silenced!

It was a well known Yemenite custom for many shofars to be blown in unison during the selichot period in the Shiloach. Yemenite Jews would stand together on the rooftop of the main synagogue complex in the Shiloach village, east of the city of David facing the Old City, and together they would blow the […]

Channukah Has Special Meaning for Ateret Cohanim Maccabees

In this so called post Zionist era, where idealism seems dead in some quarters and people seem to be only concerned about a materialistic life devoid of spirituality – this writer is here to tell our readers that spirituality and idealism is far from dead in our Ateret Cohanim communities in and around the Old […]

Redeveloping and Regreening Jerusalem

Those of us who live in Israel and have the merit to travel when we want to Jerusalem often times focus on the national and religious significance of Jerusalem, while neglecting the foward reaching expression that Jerusalem is meant to have and currently developing. While our historical religious claims to our capital should never be […]