Ateret Cohanim

Ancient Connection – Modern Pioneers

PURIM at time of War against AMALEK – from Haman to Hamas!

It’s that beautiful time of the year, the month of Adar, with extra happiness-simcha, and the festival of Purim, with its Megilla reading, the Seuda-with extra wine and of course the “giving” of mishloach manot and gifts to the poor. (matanot la’evyonim) But this year – 2024 – we also have THE WAR in the background and our […]

Returning to Jerusalem Means All Of Jerusalem

One of the things I enjoy the most about taking people on tours for Ateret Cohanim is their response when they see just how many Jews live throughout the Old City. In most other tours the emphasis on Jerusalem having four quarters is so engrained in the visitor’s psyche that it really takes an entire […]

How Large Is The Jewish Quarter?

Since 1967, there has been an ongoing concretization of the current quarter system in Jerusalem. Official maps can be found across the Old City showing an official delineation between the “four quarters.” Of course this bolsters the false notion that the current size of the Jewish Quarter is historically accurate. It is not. Up until […]

Understanding How To Stop The Next Old City Attack

On August 14th a lone gun man shot 8 pedestrians just outside of Jerusalem’s Old City and then fled into the Shiloach neighborhood (aka Silwan) of Jerusalem. This neighborhood sits opposite of the City of David on the Eastern side of the Kidron Valley. While at one time Shiloach was a majority Jewish neighborhood, the […]

From the Shiloach to Damascus Gate, The Ramadan Riots Are Here

The ongoing rioting in many areas of eastern Jerusalem, especially in the Shiloach (Silwan) and the Damascus Gate area by Arabs during Ramadan reached its height over Shabbat. With constant attacks on Jewish pedestrians, along with molotov cocktails and rock throwing, Arab mobs have been hard to hold back after a full day of instigation […]

Green Sovereignty Is Key To Jerusalem’s Future

Day to day life in Jerusalem’s cramped Old City is a mixture of spiritual highs and in many places, especially in many of the mixed Jewish and Arab neighborhoods is also tense with a degree of uncertainty. While much of the Old City is slowly returning to Jewish hands as it was before the pogroms […]