Jerusalem Quiz – Achrei Mot Answers

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Ateret Cohanims weekly PJ Quiz

A Parsha & Jerusalem (PJ) questionnaire competition.

HERE ARE THE ANSWERS to OUR Fifth ATERET COHANIM PJ QUIZ – 10 questions from Parsha & Jerusalem !!!! 



1-What is the FULL Hebrew and English dates of Israel’s Independence?  (Day-month-year)

5th Iyar 5708       14th May 1948

2- Was the Old City of Jerusalem won or lost in the War of Independence?

Old City was lost in 1948…white flag of surrender went up on May 28th 1948  (But only for 19 yrs…in 1967 the Old City back in Jewish hands)

3- How many Israeli (Jews) from within the Old City fell defending the Old City – (Clue: how many were buried in the KEVER ACHIM – joint mass grave in the Rova…now on Har HaZeitim?)

48 buried in mass grave in Rova due to siege.

(Total killed from Old City -39 combatants and 30 residents)

4- Some say that in 1948 we didn’t have a united “soldier” front to fight the Arab enemy. (IE/ In 1948 there wasn’t Tzahal. Rather we had fighting units from various groups. Name 2 of these groups?

Irgun, Lehi, Hagana (Palmach)

5 – (2 parts) What was Jewish population of Jerusalem in 1948? What is Jewish population of Jerusalem today? (2019 figure will suffice)…..defined as modern day miracle !!!

Very difficult question due to various counts and also depends on how we define Jerusalem in 1948.

Old City Jewish population in 1948 was about 2000-2600

Jerusalem Jewish population in 1948 was anywhere from 120-150,000

2019-20 -Jerusalem population is around 910-920,000 

Parshat – Acharei Mot

1-On Yom Kippur – 2 goats were part of the Temple services – one was sacrificed as atonement and the other was sent to where____Desert …Azazeel-עזאזל __________?? See chapter 16

2-What is the biblical date of Yom Kippur and how it called in the Torah. See chapter 16- …..psukim 28-32

7th Month -10th Day

3- Name any 3 forbidden sexual relationships.

Wife of your father…..sister…… grandchild….auntie…..homosexuality….bestiality…..etc

4-What happens in the land of Israel – when there is sexual immorality and other sins bringing moral depravity?

Land of Israel cannot tolerate and will evict Her People (Vomit out of land)

 5- Find the words or passuk that best describes Hashem’s admonition against Am Yisrael taking on non Jewish customs,, or acting like or imitating the non Jewish world? (Chapter 18)

Passuk 3- ובחוקותיהם לא תלכו

Passuk 26 – ושמרתם אתם את חוקותי…ולא תעשו מכל התועבות האלה

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